Even though aliens are a global phenomena, crop circles are not. They appear in a relatively small area in the south of England. Local folklore tells stories of devils, who mow the field in one night, the crop circle phenomenon is relatively recent, say 60 years or so.
The first appearances were simple and artistic. But during the years they became more complex. Researchers of this phenomenon assumed, that there was a message being communicated. But who was sending these messages? Immediately interstellar beings and alien intelligence are the first candidates. So everybody is watching the stars, instead of the earth they are standing on.
The area, in which crop circles appear, is holy ground. The whole place is dotted with ancient sites and monuments. Stonehenge of course, Avebury, with its immense circles and avenue. Woodhenge and many burial sites and artificial hills and ditches. Mainstream archeologists believe that ten's of thousands of people visited this sacred grounds. A bronze age ritual of life, death and rebirth. Hughes amounts of pig bones were found. A ritual meal?
These are all child-tales. They appeal to our romantic images, we create about a good life. Of course many ancestors visited Stonehenge, they still do. Of course, there may have been mass pilgrimages and rituals, orgies and festivals. But why?
I think, they came here not to feast, but they came here to show there alliance to the cosmic powers that bind, save and protect. The stones used are placed to block, to distort and to mask. The stones, hills and earth-workes were constructed to hinder the forces of Mother Gaya. Once, during the age of Atlantis, the Salisbury Plains were a place of live, live and rebirth. It was a place to transcend your humanity and experience dimensions and possibilities. And it was completely female enterprise. Man were allowed as visitors, guests and even adepts, they never got any rights of citizenship. Troublemakers were deported and never heard of again. The priestesses worked with light, water, fire and air. Echoes of this period, you find in the story of Kind Arthur.
When the power of Mammon rose and war, destruction and male dominance ruled, the holy places of the area were transformed in stone monuments or artificial mounts. The power of Gaya, the great Goddess was blocked. The world energy-grid interrupted. Untill now.