Arithmetic, Population, and Energy
When you
understand this lecture by Albert Bartlett, you are understanding
the fallacy of our economic system.
Albert A. Bartlett is Professor Emeritus in Nuclear Physics at University of Colorado at Boulder. He has been a member of the faculty of the University of Colorado since 1950. He was President of the American Association of Physics Teachers in 1978 and in 1981 he received their Robert A. Millikan Award for his outstanding scholarly contributions to physics education.
Dr. Bartlett has given his celebrated lecture, Arithmetic, Population and Energy over 1,600 times. His collected writings have been published in the book, "The Essential Exponential! For the Future of Our Planet".
Supernatural Science: Previous Lives
Millions believe in reincarnation. Is there proof that is really happens?
But what can be known for certain.
Scientists are trying to assess the evidence from those who’ve
claimed to have live before.
they proof the case for reincarnation and reveal what brings those
memories to the human mind?