When Laura and El had left, he immediately went after them and locked the door and closed the curtains. The building was mediaval and the walls and ceiling were at least a meter thick. He was alone, at last. At least no humans. His two dogs were sleeping by the fire, at least that was how it looked. He knew that they were in a hyperalert state, scanning the vibrations that manifested in or outside the compound. Robyn had an exciting dream, while Hazel, the older of the two, opened one eye, to signal that everything was quiet.

He sat down behind his desk and his first impulse was to grab the cards. At last they were in his possession again. Now he had the means to operate more openly, while he did not have to leave his secluse. The cards had many functions. They were very thin, but could obtain an enormous amount of matter. Some cards could me used for travelling, others were personal and could be used for communication, even through space and time. Some cards were highly specialised data-collectors or showed a special place, the Oval office for instance and functioned as a security-camera.
The cards were uniform on one side, accept for certain miniature functions, like taking pictures, video and vortex-detection. You could connect cards or ask for information, from the data-cards. The cards were almost indistructable and the art of making them was long lost.
The cards he had given to the two young woman were blank, though the surface seems to move and glew in the dark. They would be developed into a personal identity-card. Main function was a visual contact between the three of them. They would be his eyes in the outside world. For him it would become to dangerous to leave this terrain, where he was surrounded and protected by friends. The moment he would start using the cards outside this secured complex, he would be immidiately detected. The battle for supremacy would get into the open.
What battle you ask?
Well, that would be a very long story and I don't have time for that. But let me tell you that the Second World War never ended or that World War 4 is about to begin. Most of the fighting still has to be done, at least if you want to live as a developing free human being or as a slave; the subhuman servants of the Elite. This battle between both powers takes place on several levels. Some of which are unknown to the inhabitants of Earth or are indoctrinated to be bagatellised and ignored. But now that I regained my personals cards, I had a chance, even against my own family.