SiTU = seeking righteousness and finding it.
SiTU gets everything out of the way.
SiTU makes you blossom.
SiTU: without mercy, till the end.
SiTU: 24/7
SiTU will convince you; in the end.
SiTU = Mind expanding
SiTU; every now and then a day off.
SiTU: Being is growing.
SiTU: shows you the Way.
SiTU; good to start with, better to continue.
SiTU: there's always more.
SiTU: Satisfaction without wishes.
SiTU: no wishes at all!
SiTU: wishes are forbidden.
SiTU: Just in time, in every aspect of life.
Situ is everything and more.
SiTU fights the enemy using their own
weapons, better.
SiTU has a will of its own.
SiTU: excitement means a loss of weight.
SiTU: Will kick you higher, than you can jump.
Translation: dM, 2011