Judyth Vale Baker was in the sixties a promising, young, cancer-scientist. She wanted to devote her life to curing cancer. But something went wrong. She met Lee Harvey Oswald in the New Orleans Post office and fell immediately in love with him. Gradually the feeling became mutual, although both were married. Oswald even has 2 kids, with his Russian wife Marina. This was not a happy marriage. This explains the fact, that Oswald only spent the week-ends with her. He lived close to Judyth and they met almost daily. Lee Harvey Oswald introduced her to his own town. But he didn't show the bars, but he introduced her to captain dr. David Ferry (probably CIA), cancer-scientists and Oswald shows her a weapon storage, to be used against Castro. Judyth gets involved in a secret project, where Oswald was already part of, to develop an extreme form of cancer to be used as a way to assassinate Fidel Castro. Several well-known scientist are working on this bio-warfare project. The researchers work in extremely well equipped laboratories, enough guinea pigs (even human; cancer tested on prisoners from the nearby Angola-prison) and nuclear facilities. Judyth Vale protested against the experiments on prisoners, just to see them die of cancer. This was a mistake and she was told that she was expandable. So was Lee Harvey Oswald. Judyth is certain, that he was innocent. That he was, unknowingly, part of the plot to kill the president. He was the patsy, the scapegoat and a front like Ruby) for the guilty men.

This element of the JFK-conspiracy was not known to me. If it's true, Lee Harvey Oswald never left the US Navy, but was part of a covert black project, to assassinate Fidel Castro by “giving” him a deadly cancer. This was not the only project. Well known is the CIA-plan to poison Fidel's cigars. Giving the paranoid feelings towards communism, the failed invasion at the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban missile crisis, it seems plausible that the USA, unofficially, did this kind of research. Bio-warfare was one of the fields, the USSR was active as well. What not seems plausible, is the openness of this secret organization. Lee picks up a naive girl and shows her his friends and toys. She immediately gets involved in a macabre experiment. Actually she does the opposite, of what she claims: she does not cure cancer but to develop a extreme lethal cancer-virus. Lee Harvey Oswald makes an, improvised and amateurish, attempt to get the virus to Cuba himself. He tries to book a flight, in Mexico City, to Moscow (defecting again with a secret weapon), with a stop-over in Havana (Cuba). His mission failed and Oswald returned to the USA and his mistress.
Here he got involved in another project, “killing JFK”. Knowing the complexity of these kinds of games, it seems plausible to me, that not all the participants knew the truth. It even could have been, that Lee Harvey Oswald would fire a “warning-shot”, to test security measures. He could be drugged and indoctrinated when performing his task and panicking, when he realized the horror-story he played a part of.
But is it real? Judyth tells her story as if she has learned it by heart. There is no fear or pride, but a monotonous voice sketching in vivid detail, what seems a perfect love-story. I think she was used. The whole story is a smoke screen. It's written by a movie-producer, I am sure. If not, the whole question of experimenting on human beings, like in the Nazi death camps, is out in the open again. Bio warfare (including cancer) and other horror scenario's, are still hidden inside the industrial-military complex and possibly used. Remember, Jack Ruby died suddenly, of cancer.