Amazing Mushroom Cloud Over Beijing China [Video] New World Order: Blueprint Of Madmen. [Video]
The police has found the missing bodypart in the world-know “porn-murder”.
It was the head of a young Chinese student, whose extremities had been send to schools and offices. The killer was, so they say, a porn star from Montreal.
They have something with body parts in that area. In Vancouver several feet were washed ashore. Something or things are sending a message. The porn star fled to Europe and was finally arested in Berlin. This was reported from start to finish on tv. This drama of the hopeless was chosen out of thousands of stories from all over the world. One of those stories came from Pakistan.
37 soldiers were kidnapped by the Taliban and later beheaded. Pictures on the internet show these freedom-fighters, holding the heads, triumphantly, in their hands. Why not choose this horrific fact. It demonstrates the life they live in that Muslim country. Filled with violence, sudden death, suicide bombers and modern weaponry. But the Dutch media chose to tell us about the ritualistic murder in a degenerated segment of our world.
You have to realize that a sudden and violent death, confuses your soul, your spiritual entity. Reincarnation possibilities, cycles and patterns do get mixed up. If you live in an environment, like I do, which ignores and bagatelles death (or the process of dying and afterlife), the actual fact of dying comes as a shock. Yes, you will live on in some form or another. The personal or collective results depend on your knowledge and experience with the after-life. You must also realize that your next level of existence attracts certain powers. This is especially true during the never ending chain of wars and violence. Collective sacrifice of human lives, that 's what a war is, attracts a large audience on several levels. Some say that these unseen powers feed on us. On our spiritual energy and even your flesh. I am sure that the Canadian killing was a sacrifice. A ritual killing performed by humans, while being overwhelmed with djinns and evil powers. These powers are real you know and they are everywhere. They harvest us with help. Help from the initiates and representatives of ancient dynasties. They are what I call the Elite, the 13 families, the Luciferian Illuminati and freemasons or the 1%. This small group owns everything, but they are eager for more. Next they will want your wives and your children. They own us, but they want it formalized with the consent of us all. The people of the world have to say “YES”. We have to accept a totalitarian world government as an answer to all our problems.
They interbreed and that is the problem. Slowly the Elite is degenerating. They want to control everything (especially the children) and they know that this is impossible. They know that they cannot prevent the birth of a new Messiah. The old prophesies will come true and the downfall of the Ruling Powers will commence. They know that he is reborn and they are, filled with desperation and fear, they are awaiting the moment when he/she will present itself.